Tips & Tricks : Blending Markers with Nail Polish Remover

You can blend your marker colored ornament using nail polish remover. Children should be supervised when working with nail polish. In the video above I demonstrate how to blend the marker coloring using nail polish remover. The markers used are what we include in our kits if you select to have markers.

  1. Prepare the area you are working on. Nail polish will cause the marker ink to bleed so make sure it is on surface that is resistant to stains and easy to clean. 
  2. Make sure the area is also well ventilated (meaning there is good air flow) as nail polish remover does produce fumes. 
  3. Pour a small amount of nail polish remover into the bottle's lid. You can always add more later if you need.
  4. Dip your brush or q-tip into the lid and get a little of the nail polish remover on your tool of choice. 
  5. Apply it to the marker covered ornament and it will cause the marker ink to bleed and blend. 
  6. Allow to dry completely before working further with your artwork.

Protect Your Artwork by Sealing It! - Adult Help Needed for Kids

    Once your artwork completely dries you can spray with with a clear acrylic spray to help seal it. When using a spray can be sure to be in a well ventilated area and not to over spray the ornament too much. It is always better to spray holding the can back from the art about 10-12 inches and making a couple lighter passes to prevent drips. 


Parental Supervision Required

Children should be supervised when using nail polish remover.

Be Careful of Cuts

Always be careful of cuts on your hands of fingers when doing anything with nail polish remover. If you have any cuts you might want to use gloves.

Well Ventilated Areas

Nail polish does produce fumes, so it best used in a well ventilated area.

Seal When Done!

When you are done inking your ornament be sure to seal it with a fixate or clear acrylic spray.

Be Careful Not to Use Too Much Nail Polish Remover

Using too much nail polish remover can cause the marker ink to bleed a lot and remove it from the ornament.

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